
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

First Grade Oohs & Ahs

Yesterday in teacher's meeting we discussed the ideas of Charlotte Mason. I realized that I have not been showing my students examples of good artwork like I should be. To fix this oversight, I compiled several famous works of art along with several works of art by my friends for my 1st graders to look at. 
The idea is to expose students to quality 
ideas and materials. 

Out of the pieces by my friends, these got the biggest reaction from my 1st graders. 

"Wooah Cool! They're a really good drawer."

Child#1-"Who is that?" Indignant Child#2-"It's Kristopher Robin!" 

After viewing the previous two works to this one & trying to figure out what the boy was doing, they saw this painting- "Haha! Woah!"- "You would die if you really did that." - "Why is there a bird?! haha"- "Look at the sock monkey, he's scared!"
"A sword!"

"Robin Hood is cuute "- "He's going to shoot 
an arrow!"

 A unified, "Aww!"-"There's blue in her hair!"-"I like the flower."-"Someone famous!"

Just for fun I had students guess whether they thought each painting was by a famous person or one of my friends and whether it was done on the computer or not. They really couldn't tell, but they had fun trying.

All of these artists are really worth checking out! Use the links to contact them or view their artwork. You'll be impressed!