Sunday, May 5, 2013
Mouse Discovers Mouse FINAL!
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: 2nd grade art, Private Lessons
Saturday, April 27, 2013
6th Grade - Best Likeness Awards
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: 6th grade art
Friday, April 26, 2013
1st Grade Portrait pt 1
This is how I would show my first graders to start putting their face together. They would have already had individual lessons on each facial feature & be acquainted with some basic facial anatomy.
To see some examples of how my first graders did on this project, go to
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: 1st Grade Art Lessons, How to For Teachers, Videos
Canopic Jar Heads!!
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2nd Grade Lessons, Special Lessons
Speed Drawing!
the video was over. He took about
12 minutes total. He's 10 years old and in 4th grade.
As he was drawing he kept saying, "Miss Mathews, I can't do it!" & I kept telling him, "You ARE doing it! It looks great, just keep going!" I actually took his eraser away from him because he was trying to be a perfectionist. He cracks me up.
I asked him if he would like to comment on the experience, he said: "It's hard, but
eventually you'll get it."
"Were you nervous?"
"Oh yeah!"
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 2:05 PM 2 comments
Labels: 4th grade art, Private Lessons
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Evelyn's Mermaid pt1
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0.5 Kinder Art, Private Lessons
Colorful Fairy
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0.5 Kinder Art, Private Lessons
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
First Grade Oohs & Ahs
"A sword!"
an arrow!"
All of these artists are really worth checking out! Use the links to contact them or view their artwork. You'll be impressed!
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 4:15 PM 0 comments
4th grade is illustrating The Girl Who Trod
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life as an Art Teacher
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
3rd Grade Illustration pt1
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: 3rd Grade Lessons
Monday, April 22, 2013
Difficulty Scale--Classroom Lessons
one-on-one instruction.)
one-on-one instruction.)
one-on-one instruction.)
one-on-one instruction.)
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: How to For Teachers
Canopic Jars-Bases and Organs
Each student completed one of the four "sons of Horus" (there are 29 second graders). The organs from left to right are the second grade version of the: stomach, liver, colon & lungs. (The numbers and letters are just our code so we know which child did what.)
The first class didn't get the clay packed into the cups very well. I don't think I stressed it enough. The second class did much better though because I really stressed it and showed some of them individually.
I had an adult volunteer to help me with this project (which was wonderful!) but had I not had a volunteer, the students wouldn't have been able to complete this in 50 minutes. You really do need one person to cut the foam cup "molds" off of the cups while another person shows them how to make their organs.
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2nd Grade Lessons, Special Lessons
Mouse Discovers Mouse pt2
Here's Evie's mouse after another lesson. Next time we'll finish the mouse, do the touch ups & be done! She has the opportunity to practice mixing different values of the same color on the mouse & next time we'll use the values to blend that area on the mouse's stomach & on his right leg.
Previous Related Post-
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2nd grade art, Private Lessons
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Drawing Lips for 1st Grade
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 12:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: 1st Grade Art Lessons, How to For Teachers, Videos
Friday, April 19, 2013
One of THOSE Art Teachers
I had 3 or 4 of them come up to me and say, "Thank you!" One of the moms of my students that teaches at our school actually saw and thanked me for letting her daughter run in the rain haha.
(I didn't think it entirely through and if I do this again I'll probably have them bring a dry change of clothes ;)
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life as an Art Teacher
Canopic Examples
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2nd Grade Lessons, Special Lessons
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Oh clay projects...
I know it's a lot of extra work, but I'd rather stay late and have better looking projects come out than simplify it more.
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life as an Art Teacher
Brave Works by Callie
Callie is 6 years old and recently took private lessons from me.
Callie's first lesson: Girl in her nightgown
(from a how to book)
Third or fourth lesson: Hansel
Six or seven lessons in: Elephant
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 1st grade art, Private Lessons
New Student!
Isabelle the Fairy- by Evelyn
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0.5 Kinder Art, Private Lessons
Fourth Grade Illustrations
Excerpt from
"The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf"
. . . . "You really ought to go and visit your old parents, little Inger," said her mistress. "Here's a large loaf of wheaten bread to take them. They'll be pleased to see you."
So Inger put on her best dress and her fine new shoes and lifted up her skirts and walked very carefully, so that her shoes would stay clean and neat. Now no one could blame her for this. But when she came to where the path crossed over marshy ground, a great part of it was wet and muddy and she threw the loaf into the mud to use as a steppingstone to get across with dry shoes.
But what had become of her? She went down to the Marsh Wife, who has a brewery down there . . . Little Inger sank into this brewery, and no one could stand being there long. A scavenger's cart is sweet compared to the Marsh Wife's brewery . . .
The Marsh Wife was at home. Old Bogey and his great-grandmother were visiting her that day. The great-grandmoter is a very venomous old woman . . .
When she saw Inger, she put up her eyeglass and looked at her and said, "That girl has got something in her. I should like to have her as a remembrance of my visit. She will make a very nice statue in my great-grandson's outer corridor." So Inger was given to her.
This is how little Inger got to Bogeyland. People don't always get there by such a direct route; although it's easy enough to get there in more roundabout ways . . . .
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4th grade art
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Love it
Now that we're moving into illustration it's really fun to see what the kids are coming up with.
It was also refreshing to see both 6th grade classes totally engrossed in the stories I was reading today!
This first grade artist wasn't here last week when I read the story, so he just made this up. It's an elephant tangled up in his own trunk, a giraffe seeing what's up and I guess I kid who's just startled by the whole situation. I think it's so cute when a kid raises his camo cast covered hand and asks me "How do you spell 'What'?"
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life as an Art Teacher
Canopic Jars for 2nd Grade
Following are the pictures of my examples. This is my interpretation of second grade level canopic jars.
This project is fairly simple if you split the class up so 4 or 5 students are each doing one type of head.
Details on How To
This lesson is tested! I have made revisions based on what made it simpler for my class.
(For complete Difficulty Scale, see
Difficulty Scale of ***** Medium
For the base, cut foam cups down to the height that you want and have students stuff them with clay, pressing firmly to minimize air bubbles. They should completely fill the cups then level them off with their fingers (or a tool).
Difficulty Scale of ***** Low
Prep Work: Draw a circle on your surface, using an upside down cup (same size used for base). Pre-roll large potato sized clay "ovals." Each potato will be two jar "heads." 30 min-1hour before class, cut each potato in half. Then, using a pinch pot method, make it fit into the circle that you drew. (This will make the jar "head" the same size as the base.) Depending on the type of clay, you may need to cover the prepared pieces with saran wrap until students arrive.
Teaching Tip: While you are showing one group of students how to sculpt their jar head, have the other students stand up and watch. This keeps them from having to "twiddle their thumbs," and gives them the opportunity to learn how to do the other jar heads.
Draw the jackal's eyes, nose and mouth as shown in photo, poking in the eyes with a pencil.
Optional: If the student wants to, they can add the two lines that make the triangle area above the eyes (see photo).
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2nd Grade Lessons, Special Lessons
First Grade Illustrations
The Elves & the Shoemaker
Then he cut his leather out, all ready to make up the next day, meaning to rise early in the morning to his work. His conscience was clear and his heart light amidst all his troubles; so he went peaceably to bed, left all his cares to Heaven, and soon fell asleep. In the morning after he had said his prayers, he sat himself down to his work; when, to his great wonder, there stood the shoes all ready made, upon the table.
He cut out the work again overnight and found it done in the morning, as before; and so it went on for some time: what was got ready in the evening was always done by daybreak, and the good man soon became thriving and well off again.
One evening, about Christmas-time, as he and his wife were sitting over the fire chatting together, he said to her, ’I should like to sit up and watch tonight, that we may see who it is that comes and does my work for me.’ The wife liked the thought; so they left a light burning, and hid themselves in a corner of the room, behind a curtain that was hung up there, and watched what would happen.
The next day the wife said to the shoemaker. ’These little wights have made us rich, and we ought to be thankful to them, and do them a good turn if we can. I am quite sorry to see them run about as they do; and indeed it is not very decent, for they have nothing upon their backs to keep off the cold. I’ll tell you what, I will make each of them a shirt, and a coat and waistcoat, and a pair of pantaloons into the bargain; and do you make each of them a little pair of shoes.’
The thought pleased the good cobbler very much; and one evening, when all the things were ready, they laid them on the table, instead of the work that they used to cut out, and then went and hid themselves, to watch what the little elves would do.

Then they dressed themselves in the twinkling of an eye, and danced and capered and sprang about, as merry as could be; till at last they danced out at the door, and away over the green.
The good couple saw them no more; but everything went well with them from that time forward, as long as they lived.
Posted by ArtisteCommon at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: 1st Grade Art Lessons